Sunday, August 28, 2016

Washington state tax payers, prepare to get hit hard!

When you are a hammer everything looks like a nail and when you are the government, every problem can be solved by a tax.
Running for office I hear the closed door conversations. Invest, levy, tax , forced contribution, are the words of the day. Even as the middle class and the working poor stretch and strain to keep from collapsing in to poverty and homelessness, behind closed doors, policy makers discuss the next wave of taxes. The impact of these actions on the average people who will be paying the bills is seldom part of the discussion. 
Carbon tax, income tax, capital gains tax, tolls, gas tax, and a countywide housing tax are all on the table. Little thought is given to alternative solutions. 
Increasing taxes raises the cost of living and detrimentally impacts our families, businesses and communities. Here on the east-side people need to make close to $30 an hour and in Seattle the rate is $27, a far cry from the $15 and hour minimum wage recently passed in Seattle and being discussed statewide. As increases in property taxes, foreclosure and unemployment impact rural communities, people are driven to the urban areas straining our schools, our transportation system and our housing market. Ironically, increasing taxes adds to this strain.
Some propose, a capital gains tax or an income tax on the wealthiest wage earners saying this is “fair”, but effectively, this approach takes money from individuals and funnels it to government agencies and then it returns to our communities’ in the form of public services for pennies on the dollar. There is also the question of how we define wealthy. 
Education, transportation and homelessness are all issues being leveraged to legitimize a wave of tax increases in 2017. I continually hear about how we must “fund McCleary” or face a $100,000 a day sanction, for example. No one dares to question the courts authority to leverage such a sanction or whether or not “ample provision was meant to mean “blank check”. Meanwhile, the Washington Education Association (WEA) files yet another legal action to fight a possible alternative to raising taxes: educational choice via charter schools. Not surprising that the WEA is supporting candidates who support taxes to foot the bill. When I tried to challenge this line of thinking during my recent Seattle Times interview, I was discredited. 
Ironically, taxes and programs meant to solve issues, are going to exacerbate them. But the government is not really in the business of efficiently solving problems. Modern government works to sustain itself and grow. Like a parasite feeding off its host, government feeds on taxes and those employed by government are willing and very vocal participants. Politicians are often well funded by special interests who will benefit from these same taxes. The candidates who oppose, often lack the resources to expose the truth and media is biased toward the status quo. 
I urge the public to become aware and educated this election cycle. Do your homework. Ask questions of those who are running for office. Think about the lasting implications of proposals like the $54 B ST3 project that could cost property owners $25,000 over the course of the project, with an undefined return on investment. What happens if your family experiences a loss of income or emergency? Ask legislators and candidates if they have considered other policy recommendations that do not come with a price tag. Remind them that your family does not have the ability to arbitrarily increase your household income to keep up with the increasing tax burden placed upon you. Remind them that the less discretionary income you have, the less you can buy, invest and enjoy and the closer you are to collapsing into poverty yourself. Remind them that “tax” is forced redistribution of the money you work hard to earn, money that when removed from your wallet, is no longer available for your community, your family or your future. 
Vote and vote smart. Your wallet depends on it. If you do not, you will feel like you were hit by a hammer in 2017.
BE the change."

- Michelle Darnell

Michelle is fighting for YOU in Washington State.

Pushing for REAL Education Reform in WA!

Michelle Darnell for 48th Legislative District.

This fight needs your help. Whatever you can provide is a step forward towards the goal. It's not just a donation, it's an INVESTMENT into everyone's future: 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

100 Billion for a choo-choo train? I think not. Go back to the drawing board!


"I am not a math whiz but after reading the Sunday Seattle Times article about the original Sound Transit rail service over runs, it boggles my mind that we would entertain ST3.

The current proposal has us spending $54B for a choo-choo train that will not be fully functional for 30 years.

Based upon past history where might that actually put us?

The original Sound Move plan in 1996 promised light rail service from SeaTac to the University District within a decade for $1.67 billion. But after winning the vote, the plan was broken into five parts and is taking a quarter of a century to fulfill, with the last station to open in 2021.

Apparently Sound Transit officials anticipated that the actual price would be double the original estimate but actually the over runs hit a whopping 86%!!

So what does this mean for the new proposal?
Well, doing some rough math, if cost over runs hit 86% this time, that puts this project over $100 Billion and take 42 years.  Actually more accurately it would be $100,444,000,000, but hey, what is another $400 million when it is someone else’s money. “Let them eat cake.”

During a time when we see homeless spilling out on to our streets, the mentally ill wondering the streets or locked up, and the WEA  and  WA Supreme Court screaming more money- more money- more money, how can we possibly entertain such a plan?  Families and businesses are strapped: unemployment and the cost of living are squeezing them so tightly. Most families are just a couple paychecks away from calamity, although they stretch to “keep up with the Jones” by accumulating debt. Our current leadership is so incredibly out of touch with working Americans that they think they can order Dom Perignon on a beer budget.

For example, my opponent Patty Kurderer strongly supports ST3:  
"We need a modern transportation system with options for all commuters that don't just rely on the single car method," she said. "We also want to have the bus rapid transit. I'm a proponent of light rail, I think that it's going to be very, very important for us going forward."

I disagree. First of all,  ST3 will no longer be modern by the time it is finished and secondly it is way too expensive.  While I prefer private solutions and the use of modern technology to solve our congestion problems, I do know that for 1/2 that price tag we could likely buy a fleet of buses and vans!

I say go back to the drawing board and come back to us with a reasonable plan, or better yet reduce regulatory red tape holding back real innovation and solutions to our problems and let the private sector help solve this problem."

- Michelle Darnell

Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her help you! Donate your change today, for the change coming!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Interview with Charisma News: "Prophetic Word Yanks Mom Out of Kitchen and Into Political Campaign"

 Interview with Charisma News:

"Prophetic Word Yanks Mom Out of Kitchen and Into Political Campaign"

 "I think we need more freedom, that's why I'm running for office, to be an example of thinking differently. I think the whole world (is) going through transition right now, like labor pains (and the way to) go through a difficult time is to think about (issues) differently,"

Read Michelle Darnell's interview with Charisma News at the link below:


Michelle Darnell -L, WA Candidate for the 48th District House of Representatives
Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her help you! Donate your change today, for the change coming!

Friday, August 5, 2016

"Gary Johnson is Pro-Life Conservatives Best Pick"

Gary Johnson, 2016 Presidential candidates for the Libertarian Party

"The reason many libertarians ( not all) are "pro-choice" is not because they are pro death or pro abortion per se. It is because they are anti big government control over our lives and feel these decisions and influence over these decisions should be left to the individual, family and community. 

That said, this is a red herring issue meant to keep us divided as a nation. Many people tend to be one issue voters and would be barred from voting for the most sane, reasonable, adult in the room because of this one issue.

Frankly I think it is time that we get real and recognize that losing elections does not save babies and we need a different approach. What if we worked together to get a candidate elected that would work hard to create a pro life economy where families could AFFORD to have children and invest the time and resources in to them that they needed to become responsible young men and women? I mean when you have two parents working 40-60 hours a week to pay taxes and put food on the table, they haven't much left for the kids. The kids then raise themselves and lord know where they are getting their values. When mom and dad are so stressed financially that the family is destroyed how does this help our cause? THAT IS THE SITUATION RIGHT NOW. Why we are arguing over pro-life v. pro-choice, families are dying.

We need a different approach. What would Jesus do?

I do not think he would vote for support either of the other two mega-maniacal lying tyrants. I think he would tell us to speak the truth in love and often he was very pragmatic in his approach feeding the belly before seeking to feel the soul. 

Lets for this one election set aside that issue and work together so that we do not cut off our nose to spike our face. 

WE MUST NOT ALLOW A HILLARY OR DONALD IN TO OUR HOUSE!! They have both proven to be untrustworthy, to say the least."

- Michelle Darnell

Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her help you! Donate your change today, for the change coming!