Friday, June 24, 2016

Interview with Kirkland Reporter - "Recession gave Darnell new perspective as she runs for state House seat"

Michelle Darnell -L 48th District Candidate
for House of Representatives
Bellevue Redmond Kirkland
"We've got to stop unnecessary foreclosures," she said. "That's why I'm running for office, and that's why I'm doing what I'm doing, because it's wrong."

Read Michelle Darnell's interview with the Kirkland Reporter at the link below:

"We don't want minimum wage jobs, even if they are at $15," she said. "People don't want minimum wage, they want the kind of jobs they had pre-recession."

"If we accept the blame, we are empowered and we can be the change we wish to see,"

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Did you know that not only are the tolls creating massive traffic congestion, they are increasing accidents and insurance rates will be impacted?

HOV+3 Really???

What a mess. If you are fed up with traffic and insane transportation policy. Please support my campaign! This WILL be top priority issue for me, I  am highly motivated!  I am already putting together a team of advisers to help me address this issue when elected.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Endorsement Paul Addis -L, Lt. Governor candidate Washington state

I heartily endorse Michelle Darnell for State Representative of the 48th District. Michelle is dedicated, compassionate, intelligent and determined to stand up for the rights of every citizen. She is the very type of person who should be in a representative position. Unfortunately, the political arena does not often attract the kind of character exemplified by Michelle, but fortunately for the people of the 48th District they have the amazing opportunity to vote for someone as wonderful as Michelle Darnell. I look forward to seeing what she will do on behalf of the people in Olympia.

Paul Addis, 2016 Candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Washington

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Stop Government from Hurting Small Business!

Stop Government from Hurting Small Business!

Michelle Darnell - L, 48th District of Washington candidate
When elected, I would work to repeal or amend legislation to provide relief for businesses struggling to grow and provide the sorts of jobs and opportunities our region desperately needs.  I would also work to level the playing field.  It is not right that one group would be taxed less or has a competitive advantage, simply because they had better representation in Olympia.   A company like Boeing, though great for our region, should not escape the B&O tax, while the burden of paying for our education shortfall this shifted to everyone else.  That is unequal protection. 

I would reach out businesses to hear what they say.  In fact I already have and well before this campaign started to do so.  I was encouraged to run for office because they wanted a voice.  They tell me that if they did not have the burden of the B&O, a complicated tax on their gross before they ever turn a profit, they could invest in marketing and advertising and grow their businesses.   One woman who owns a cleaning business, says she would be able to hire help and not have to work such long hours.

They tell me that a statewide $15/ minimum wage would not only destroy their businesses and increase unemployment, and it still would not be enough to keep up with the high cost of living and increasing rents in our region.  We need more jobs and better jobs, not just arbitrary increases in the minimum wage that increases the cost of labor and goods and services.  The largest of companies will absorb this and automate but our smaller businesses will go under.  These businesses are our neighbors and our friend and don’t have the option of moving out of state to find cheaper labor. 

I have been told how regulation is inhibiting building affordable housing and restricting innovation by over 100 years!  It was explained to me that the inability to get an occupancy permit for a home built with hemp products, for example, is suppressing the growth of a new innovative market and opportunity to build affordable, environmentally friendly, non-combustible homes. 
Zoning regulations are preventing the opportunity to build “mother in law units” and explore other options in response to our affordable housing crisis.  I was told that over 50% of our land is zoned single family and this limits the opportunity to build multi-family units in a time when apartments and micro housing options are desperately needed.  Also, regulation adds so much to the cost of building, that the smaller builders must build over a certain number of square fee or they can’t turn a profit.

Burdensome licensing and permitting requirements are stifling business start ups.  The licenses can be expensive and the process arduous.  

These are just a few of the sorts of things I would look at when considering how to respond to our economic inequality and affordable housing crisis.  I do not think raising the minimum wage or raising more taxes to support programs is the answer.  This is simply redistributing the wealth and putting more pressure on businesses who are wealth creators and producers of job, products, services and opportunities that this region so desperately needs.  So when elected the first thing I would do would be to reaching out to my community and other stakeholders and engaging them in the process of repealing unnecessary and burdensome regulation.  I don’t presume I have all of the answers. But I can see the problems and I would listen to my constituents and the experts to arrive at solutions that make sense and increase prosperity for all, not just well funded special interest groups.

I care about business owners and I believe they need a voice in Olympia.  I will listen and I will be that voice. 

- Michelle Darnell

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Michelle joins local efforts to End Homelessness

Michelle Darnell speaking at "Seattle is Weak Plan of Action" Event
Michelle Darnell has taken on personal efforts to see the end of Homelessness in King County (Seattle) and the greater area. The "Seattle is Weak" project looks to have a long term and short term solution to the issue. Michelle was a guest speaker at the "Plan of Action" launch this year. Michelle hopes to do her part in the House as a candidate in the 48th District of Washington State.

You can view her comments in the videos below. The entire program is available to be viewed at the link here:

Seattle is Weak Plan of Action Part 8 - Michelle Darnell "It did something to me, it ignited something in me."

Seattle is Weak Plan of Action Part 9 - Michelle Darnell "...Have become apathetic and complacent."

Seattle is Weak Plan of Action Part 10 - Michelle Darnell "How do you change the world? One heart at a time."

Seattle is Weak Plan of Action Part 11 - Michelle Darnell "The media is not going to pay attention..."

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Endorsement - Brien Bartels

"I do want to thank you for all you've done to lead and inspire this year. I decided to re-up this year because of all the energy that Michelle and candidates like her have created, and to focus my energy on organizing my own county, which is what I will be working on this Saturday. And, I'm good for a few bucks to support your kickoff.

Thanks again. Best of luck. Love, liberty etc."

- Brien Bartels, June 14th, 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Why I Endorse Bill Weld for Vice President

Why I Endorse Bill Weld for Vice President

Michelle Darnell with Gary Johnson
I have been a foreclosure defense advocate since 2011.   I first testified in Olympia on this issue then.  I then trained as a paralegal because I thought that justice would be found in the courtroom. I soon discovered that he who has the most money wins.  I then pivoted and now mostly advocate for homeowners via  WA State Foreclosure Fairness Act mediation program where borrowers with the help of an aggressive advocate can avoid unnecessary foreclosure AND unnecessary litigation. I have been very successful resolving mortgages there. But it is hard work.  The banks like to just go through the motions because the homeowners have little leverage.  It should not be this hard!
Before doing this work, I did extensive research and what I uncovered was massive corruption and the theft of 40% of middle class wealth via the mortgaged backed security system and the post-bailout foreclosure of 15 million families and counting in this country.  That is the entire population of Canada : man woman and a couple kids.  That does not even speak to the job loss and other economic impact. 40% of middle class wealth was extracted.
MOST of these people were preyed upon.  I have heard countless stories of bank abuse.  Most of these people were told to stop paying to qualify for HAMP, not knowing what would happen next and 82% were later denied the modifications and foreclosed upon.  
Few homeowners challenge the issue in court because they lack the resources and the case law works against them.  The few that do, find little help there as the courts summarily find in favor of the banks, despite massive evidence of their abuses of our system and their customers.  Banks have deep pockets. Homeowners do not.
This has impacted our country’s economy, state budgets, and individuals.  It has literally destroyed lives. We are now experiencing the fallout.  We have increased crime, homelessness, mental health issues and a host of other problems that we now must deal with.  Meanwhile the banks have enjoyed the spoils and the state governments have enjoyed   settlement money (hush) money as they look the other way.
Greece is the canary in the mine as they too suffered.  Iceland dealt with it and is recovering.  The US has not.
I have been challenged to get any state politician to listen and respond.  Bernie Sanders references it but his solutions are misguided.  Bill Weld responded.   In a private conversation, he asserted that a Johnson/ Weld administration would be prosecuting where appropriate and responding to this issue, after all Gov. Weld was a prosecutor and known for prosecuting corruption.  I asked him if he might be concerned about making this a campaign plank because of the immense power of the banks.   His response: “I ain’t afraid of banks.”  This told me a lot and those 5 words secured my support.
If you are tired of the control of “too big to fail” banks and the corruption, Johnson and Weld are your guys.  They get it.  In an environment where there are so many other issues, to me this is THE ISSUE.  People who have lost their wealth, property and power to the banks are not free.  Families have lost everything and this is why you see millennials decry the capitalist system: because of what they saw their parents go through.  But this is not capitalism.  It is corporate socialism: privatized profits and socialized losses.  This is socialism at its worst.   Why would we want a bigger and more powerful   government controlled by their very interests that destroyed our middle class?
We do not need to break up the banks, as Bernie puts it.  We do not need more government programs or “free stuff”.  We need to enforce the law.  We need attorney generals that will protect the people from abuse.  We need public officials who will not turn a blind eye and then wring their hands over the consequences and demand more taxes.  It is a proper function of government to protect it citizens from enemies foreign and domestic, and that my friends is it is very Libertarian.
Support Johnson and Weld.   They are America’s hope.  They get “it’.

- Michelle Darnell

Thursday, June 9, 2016

"To all of my Bernie friends, I am truly sorry for your loss. I really really am."

To all of my Bernie friends, I am truly sorry for your loss. I really really am.

Michelle Darnell
I DID see this coming though. I PRAY that Bernie was not part of the game. I did suggest 6-9 months ago that to get Democrats to hop on to the Hillary train, Bernie could go out and recruit them and then when he did not gt the nomination he would join Hillary and they would hold their nose and vote Hillary.

What I did not predict was the Trump phenomena but it makes sense to me now. Trump is SO bombastic he is driving even republicans away as he gets increasingly racists and sexist.
He started up with just enough to blow Rand out of the water (who was the real threat to the establishment...maybe Cruz) but remain slightly credible. Now he is going to get really wild and drive republicans in to the arms of Hillary.
Dems will vote Hillary with Bernie at her side and Republicans who are sick of Trump will vote Hillary because "Oh My god, we don't want a fascist racist dictator!!" BUT I think this was ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS about getting Hillary elected and it was not a Democrat v. Republican battle as much as it was an establishment v the People battle. The establishment realized that America was waking up quickly.

Now where do we sit? Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are our only hope IMHO. We MUST go third party. We each must do all we can to share the information. Social media is our tool. (Wait for something to happen there. . . . )

We must convince people to take a chance. We must get the Anti Trump Republicans and the burned Bernie ppl. We must also convince enough Libertarians that while Johnson and Weld may not be pure, they are one hell of a lot better than the alternate an beggars cant be choosers. We must convince the "My vote doesn't matter" people to vote as well. We have a huge battle ahead. I don't know if we can do it or not. But I won't stop trying and I am building a rag tag bunch of passionate patriots here in Washington to stand our ground.

I have been working at the state level to try to build coalition but that has its challenges too. We are all so accustomed to division. But I think down ticket campaigns and activist should be working together more. This is not a game. There is a lot at stake. This is not even about party. It is the People v. the plutocrats!

How to get Bernie folks? Ask them "Why would you want a bigger and more powerful government controlled by the very interests you protest?"

We need to build bridges NOW n quickly. Stop the infighting and quarreling. When the house is in flames you don't argue about the flowers in the front bet. You find a place in the hose!
Let me share who woke me up (in addition to Ron Paul)

This kid. I actually got my political start as a Ron Paul Occupyer. His video should go viral.
I really truly believe our last chance in 2016 is Johnson Weld, for many reasons. It is time for WE the people to unite and stop this insanity because I am telling you, this does not end well and Hillary, Trump and their Plutocrat friends care nothing about YOU: Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Gay, straight, Christian, atheist, Muslim, black or jew, pro-choice, pro-life, pro 2nd amendment, pro gun safety. WE ARE BEING PLAYED AND DIVIDED. Divided we fall!

They care about power and money and they want your power and your money and they will sacrifice our country and all the values we hold dear, to get it and you know in your heart that that is true.

SO Please let us rise above the divisions and Unite as Americans and work together to fight this tyranny. LIBERTY, LOVE AND LOGIC MUST PREVAIL.


I think i may have just drafted my kick off speech.

- Michelle Darnell

Public Endorsements for Michelle Darnell


Matthew Dubin
Matthew Dubin

"I also support many candidates from the Libertarian Party, including my friends Michelle Darnell and Paul Addis." - June 8th, 2016

"My friend Michelle Darnell is running for State Rep in the 48th. She is awesome. She is a tireless advocate for ordinary people against big banks and big corporation. Michelle knows how important it is to have a government that respects our decisions for our own lives and that manages our tax money carefully and prudently. She is intelligent and driven, but she is always open to feedback and suggestions, and she genuinely cares about people.
I give Michelle my highest endorsement and urge you to like her page, check out her website, and if so inclined to donate time and money to support her campaign.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Press Releases from Michelle Darnell

March 8th, 2016

Statement from Michelle Darnell on Washington State's Non-Judicial Foreclosure and Repeal of DTA (Authorized Reprint)

Washington State's 48th Legislative District candidate, Michelle Darnell
Contributor Note: This is a reprint of an existing article that was originally printed on the Washco Chronicle on March 8th, 2016.  Reprint is authorized by the original contributor, David Malekar.

The following is a Press Release by Seattle based contributor, David Malekar; who regularly publishes content to the WashCo Chronicle. The statement release is by Michelle Darnell, candidate in Washington state's 48th Legislative District.  Running as a Libertarian, she hopes to bring "justice, prosperity, responsibility, tolerance, cooperation, and peace" to the respective area. You may view more information at the website and contact her campaign from there.
Michelle has issued the following statement regarding the end of non-judicial foreclosure in the state of Washington and connecting crisis of homelessness, and the repeal of the Deed of Trust Act.

Statement from the Washington State 48th Legislative District candidate, Michelle Darnell:

Decrease homelessness and End non-judicial foreclosure in our state!

Homelessness is an increasing problem in our state and county. In the last two years we have seen a 40% cumulative increase in homelessness in King County, yet we have over 5k foreclosures at the moment and 0ver 2000 empty bank owned homes in the county.

This is a problem that affects us all as we search our hearts and minds for solutions.  No one wants to see veterans, children and the elderly on our street. No one wants to see their neighbors disappear one by one. No one enjoys living with the uncertainly of the housing market as it is manipulated by the banks.  The “too big to fail” banks are pillaging our communities and it is time for that to STOP.

Families around this state are being evicted from their homes needlessly; they are migrating to urban areas to look for homes and jobs. This is driving up rents. When the existing tenants can’t afford the new rents or first, last and a deposit, they are either on the street or on a couch.

We can see the signs on every corner.  We have 50,000 homeless kids in our state, yet empty homes dot the state like bodies on a battle field. What is the response?  To build tent cities and provide mobile health services. Both are admirable attempt to band-aide a situation but do nothing to address the cause.  

The smart response is to identify the cause of the homeless crisis and work to eliminate one of the root causes. Foreclosure is a quick path to homelessness.  This is why I have worked nearly 8 years to fight the foreclosure epidemic. I saw this homelessness crisis coming as I toured empty homes several years ago and listen to the tragic stories day in and day out.

We have had over 640,000 families in this state evicted from their homes, about 80% of them, unnecessarily, because they should have been offered a modification.  That is what the bailed out banks were supposed to do in return for tax payer money. But instead, the banks used the program to lure people in to default and then they foreclosed upon them. They are still doing to.

We have a WA Foreclosure Fairness Act mediation program and spent $4 million last year to save 800 homes out of over 4000 referrals. That is a failure. Why is it failing? Because the banks just go through the motions and there is no way to stop them. 

We can see the There is a mountain of case law and evidence indicating the banks have been up to no good they are breaking laws with impunity. This is a root cause of homelessness in our communities. 

This is why I will work to end non-judicial foreclosure in our state by repealing the Deed of Trust Act.

Washington State is home to non-judicial foreclosure. This means that a home may be repossessed and sold at auction by a third party “judicial substitute” called a trustee.  This trustee is actually hired by the bank but is supposed to have a duty of good faith to the borrower and be unbiased like a judge.  That doesn’t even make sense does it?  Homeowners never get their day in court and it is easier to repossess a home than a car in this state! You don’t even have to prove owners ship of the loan or how much is owed!

Washington’s non-judicial Deed of Trust system is unjust and unconstitutional, as homeowners face three additional barriers to due process:

(1) If a homeowner has cause to defend their property via a law suit, and the majority do, they MUST pay a bond equivalent to their mortgage payment each month to the court for the duration of the law suit.
(2)The homeowner is the plaintiff bringing the action so the burden of proof is on them.
(3) IF they lose, they must pay the banks attorney fees too, so filing a lawsuit is a very risky proposition.

When elected I will work to end non-judicial foreclosure in our state. I will stand up against the banking lobby and defend homeowners against the abuses they have been suffering for years. I will work to restore justice and liberty in our state.

I will introduce a bill to repeal the Deed of Trust act.

Please join me in this effort at

Approved by the campaign to elect Michelle Darnell for State Rep 48th LD- Libertarian 

June 2nd, 2016

Michelle Darnell (48th-L) Announcement Press Release 5.31.2016


Michelle for the House, 830 Kirkland Way, # 203, Kirkland WA 98033
For Immediate Release:                                                             Media Contact:
May 31, 2016                                                                               Scott Scrimshaw

          “We made history this weekend”-Michelle Darnell, Candidate for State Representative—Libertarian, 48th LD (Bel-Red-Kirk)

           Kirkland paralegal and consumer advocate Michelle Darnell, returned Monday from the National Libertarian Convention in Orlando Florida where former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson and former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld narrowly earned the nomination of the Libertarian Party.

              “There were times, I thought it may not happen” says the Washington delegate.  “There was even some division in our delegation, but at the end of the day we chose the candidates with the most experience so once elected they can get the job done.”

              An NBC/News/ Wall Street Journal poll, this month, f0und that 47% of registered voters would consider a third party candidate if Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton where the major party nominees.  The time has come for a third party choice that reflects the “socially accepting/fiscally responsible” message of the Libertarian Party.

              Michelle was especially pleased to have assurances directly from Johnson and Weld that their administration would prosecute bank fraud.  Bill Weld served as U. S Attorney and also a prosecutor and is known for prosecuting corruption.  “After speaking to Mr. Weld and Mr. Johnson, I am confident in this ticket.  It brings me great hope for this country.”

Michelle Darnell

              Ms. Darnell feels that the rise of the Libertarian Party in the polls and in media, will spill over on to her down-ticket campaign as she seeks to be the first Libertarian female elected t0 a state office in the nation.  “The Libertarian party did me a favor this weekend electing these two men.  Now it is time to unite as a party and get the job done.”

              The campaign, Michelle for the House, is hosting a kick off on June 18th.  For more information or tickets, please go to:

Scott Scrimshaw
Press Secretary, 541-399-0195

June 7th, 2016 

Michelle Darnell (48th-L) Press Release on Housing Crisis 6.6.2016

Michelle for the House, 830 Kirkland Way, # 203, Kirkland WA 98033

For Immediate Release:                                                        Media Contact:
May 31, 2016                                                                           Scott Scrimshaw


        “If we want more affordable housing we must keep people in their homes and repeal regulations that are driving up housing costs”-Michelle Darnell, Candidate for State Representative—Libertarian, 48th LD (Bel-Red-Kirk)

    Michelle Darnell attended the 22nd Seattle King County Realtors Association Issues briefing, Thursday June 2, at the Bellevue Westin.  

At the briefing Mollie Carmichael, Principal with John Burns Real Estate consulting confirmed what Michelle has been saying since 2014.  King County has a housing crisis.   Inventory is alarmingly low and affordability is low.  Access to mortgage financing is limited with new regulations.

Michelle Darnell, a foreclosure defense paralegal and homeowner advocate, is actually aware of the situation as she helps homeowners avoid unnecessary foreclosure via the Washington State foreclosure fairness act. According to the Department of Commerce, less than 10% of homeowners participate in the program so they walk away from their homes.  There were roughly 4000 referrals to the program in 2015 and of those only 800 were able to keep their homes. “The WA FFA is failing because banks have no incentive to act in good faith.  After being told by the bank to stop paying in the first place, the homeowner has no leverage as their credit is destroyed and they owe so much in arrears.  The banks merely go through the motions on the way to foreclosure.” When elected Michelle  says she would work to fix this by either repealing the Deed of Trust act or amending it so homeowners have a fairer chance to retain their homes without having to file an expensive lawsuit.   “We have empty homes dotting this state like bodies on a battlefield and rising rents and homeless spilling out on to the streets.  This causes a whole host of other problems.  I am running to fix this problem.”

Another problem is the burden regulation that is increasing the cost of building affordable housing. “I was recently told there is a 100 year lag in innovation because of regulations that are stifling innovative systems and product like hemp products.  These products are more energy efficient and can bring down the cost of building affordable housing but builders can’t get occupancy permits because they do not pass code.”  Michelle says that many of these codes have been engineered by industries manipulating the market by using their lobbying power.  “I support all business but when big business controls the market,  that is not free enterprise that is corporate socialism.” says Darnell.

“According to her legislative newsletter, my opponent would hope to address homelessness by investing in temporary solutions.  I would address the problem by working to keep people in their homes and by bringing down the cost of building affordable housing.  These are permanent solutions” states Darnell.

Michelle says this is an important issue in her district because people moving to the area to support our tech industry need affordable housing and building affordable housing creates jobs.  Further she says that the problems caused by homelessness are impacting our community.  “As people are flushed out of Seattle, they are coming east to try to find work and places to live” state Michelle.  Also, foreclosures themselves bring down property values of adjacent homes, she states.

Michelle adds that she is happy that at least the problem is being discussed because in 2014, when she tried to call attention to it, few legislators or candidates even recognized the problem.  “Recognizing the problem is a first step.  Now let’s do the hard work of increasing the availability of affordable housing.  This is good for industry and families.”

    For more information   about Michelle’s approach to solving housing issues her campaign in general, please go to:

Scott Scrimshaw
Press Secretary, 541-399-0195