Michelle Darnell |
What I did not predict was the Trump phenomena but it makes sense to me now. Trump is SO bombastic he is driving even republicans away as he gets increasingly racists and sexist.
He started up with just enough to blow Rand out of the water (who was the real threat to the establishment...maybe Cruz) but remain slightly credible. Now he is going to get really wild and drive republicans in to the arms of Hillary.
Dems will vote Hillary with Bernie at her side and Republicans who are sick of Trump will vote Hillary because "Oh My god, we don't want a fascist racist dictator!!" BUT I think this was ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS about getting Hillary elected and it was not a Democrat v. Republican battle as much as it was an establishment v the People battle. The establishment realized that America was waking up quickly.
Now where do we sit? Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are our only hope IMHO. We MUST go third party. We each must do all we can to share the information. Social media is our tool. (Wait for something to happen there. . . . )
We must convince people to take a chance. We must get the Anti Trump Republicans and the burned Bernie ppl. We must also convince enough Libertarians that while Johnson and Weld may not be pure, they are one hell of a lot better than the alternate an beggars cant be choosers. We must convince the "My vote doesn't matter" people to vote as well. We have a huge battle ahead. I don't know if we can do it or not. But I won't stop trying and I am building a rag tag bunch of passionate patriots here in Washington to stand our ground.
I have been working at the state level to try to build coalition but that has its challenges too. We are all so accustomed to division. But I think down ticket campaigns and activist should be working together more. This is not a game. There is a lot at stake. This is not even about party. It is the People v. the plutocrats!
How to get Bernie folks? Ask them "Why would you want a bigger and more powerful government controlled by the very interests you protest?"
We need to build bridges NOW n quickly. Stop the infighting and quarreling. When the house is in flames you don't argue about the flowers in the front bet. You find a place in the hose!
Let me share who woke me up (in addition to Ron Paul)
This kid. I actually got my political start as a Ron Paul Occupyer. His video should go viral.
I really truly believe our last chance in 2016 is Johnson Weld, for many reasons. It is time for WE the people to unite and stop this insanity because I am telling you, this does not end well and Hillary, Trump and their Plutocrat friends care nothing about YOU: Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Gay, straight, Christian, atheist, Muslim, black or jew, pro-choice, pro-life, pro 2nd amendment, pro gun safety. WE ARE BEING PLAYED AND DIVIDED. Divided we fall!
They care about power and money and they want your power and your money and they will sacrifice our country and all the values we hold dear, to get it and you know in your heart that that is true.
SO Please let us rise above the divisions and Unite as Americans and work together to fight this tyranny. LIBERTY, LOVE AND LOGIC MUST PREVAIL.
I think i may have just drafted my kick off speech.
- Michelle Darnell
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