48th District candidate for WA State Rep, Michelle Darnell (L) Interview
Michelle Darnell |
DM: First question is the one many are buzzing about. In the
event that you win, you would be the first ever elected U.S. Libertarian
Woman in History?
MD: Yes, I would be the first female Libertarian
elected to a legislative office. I am told it can't be done, but I see
that as a challenge. It is time for women to lead a political
and spiritual revolution in this country. Our homes, our children, and
if I may say . . . our men are under attack. I am hearing from women
over the country, that for the first time in their lives they are
getting involved in politics. No disrespect to our male counterparts,
enough is enough.
With respect to the Libertarian party, Women can
offer a resilience and a compassion that the party has been lacking. The
party has been a bit too cerebral. You must change the heart before you
change the mind and women can have some perspective that the
party has lacked. Frankly, I believe the LP is the place for feminists
but a new kind of feminism; one that elevates men, women, and the
family (rather than put anyone down).
Yes, I aim to be the first female libertarian elected and I reserve the right to be a Woman!
DM: Have there been many challenges thus far, with having so much to stand for as the potentially first elected Woman Libertarian?
MD: No. There is a challenge with drawing women to the party and getting the
libertarian message across. There are a lot of
misconceptions. For example, it is often thought that we don't care
about the poor and that we would dismantle the safety net immediately
upon taking office, but that is not the case. There are of course some
extremists, but for most of us we are familiar with the struggle and
recognize many people are still suffering from the consequences of the
recession. We just don't believe that the government can respond with
the agility and efficiency of small private organizations and
individuals; and if we were allowed to keep more of our own money in our
wallets and in our communities, we could find our own solutions.
The reality is that we care so intensely, that we sacrifice our time and
resources to try to change the world and politics in our state. We see
the damage being done. The homeless are spilling on to our street, our
children are suffering as a result of a broken education system, our
health care system is out of the reach of many (particularly the working
poor). Our freeways are a gnarly mess. Our businesses that support 52%
of the work force, are burdened by unnecessary taxation and regulation;
while the largest corporations corporate welfare. We are 2.4 B short on
education and we give companies like Boeing $8.7 B in tax relief, shifting the burned burden to elsewhere.
It would seem most of the leadership on the left and the
right are out of touch. In 2014, I had an elected official tell me that
the recession was over, to which I responded, "We ain't feelin' it."
DM: Let's get to the core of your campaign. What are your major points to address for 2016?
MD: To reiterate. transportation, education, relief for
small business so that they create jobs and increase wages, and repealing
the Deed of Trust Act to stop non-judicial foreclosure in our state.
DM: What are going to be the biggest challenges for those and how do you plan on overcoming their obstacles?
MD: Funding. Funds are needed to get the message out, and I
don't expect funds from the same sources my opponent will draw from. My
funds will come from the people and small businesses, many of whom are
struggling financially them selves. Many feel their vote or dollar can't
possibly make a difference, but I know that's not true. I would rather
have ten dollars a month from 1,000 people, than $1,000 from 10 people.
We will be running a tight campaign. I am used to operating on a shoestring! I had 3 teenagers during the recession!
The main thing is that I want people to engage. We have
been told that we must vote the lesser of two evils and that our vote
and participation doesn't count. These are lies to keep us from
engaging; and apathy and complacency are enemies of justice and freedom.
At the end of the day we can't blame the government, big labor, or the
big corporations for the demise of our state; the blame lies with us.
If we accept responsibility, we can reclaim the power we actually have! I
am an example. I am just a Woman from Ferndale; but because I chose to
engage 7 year ago, I have had some amazing successes and experiences, and
have met some incredible people along the way. Together, we can change
the world; one heart at time.
DM: You speak a lot on the foreclosure issues and the
repeal of the Deed of Trust Act; how does the person who is currently
living on the street know that your plans will put him into a home?
MD: It may not put him immediately in a home, but it will
stop the practice of turning homeowners in to renters. That is causing
an increase in rents, by leveraging the banks to negotiate modifications
from people who should legitimately qualify. Banks who benefited from
tax payer bailout should not be kicking tax payers out of their homes,
or tricking them in to foreclosure. Since our AG [Attorney General] is
not shutting down the foreclosure mills, we must do so by repealing the
Deed of Trust Act.
It also should be noted that there may be money on the
table as banks should reimburse our state for the recording fees they
avoided paying by creating the MERS system, and side stepping out 200
year old title recordation system.
To get that fellow in a home, we need to reduce the costs
associated with building affordable housing by reducing regulation,
taxation, and zoning rules. We need to recover some of those recording
fees that were supposed to go toward building affordable housing. Banks
have sucked the marrow out of our communities and we need to stop that
from happening. Repealing the Deed of Trust Act and making it hard for
banks to foreclose, is one way to to this.
DM: You've laid out quite an intensive plan so far. What do you want to see happen within your first six months in office?
MD: Like Sonny Bono, repeal as many unnecessary laws as
possible! Work to get government out of our bedrooms, out of our
businesses, and out of our way. Identify areas of waste and excess.
Repeal the Deed of Trust Act and leverage the banks to negotiate fairly
with people, and not disrespect our laws. End double taxation (tolls).
Work to break up the monopolies by loosening up regulations. Increase
school choice via charters schools, and a voucher system.
I am in communication now with policy advisers from the left and the right perspective; to identify specific laws that I can change to achieve these goals and that will likely pass muster.
I would hope to do everything I can to free up the market and free up people so that they can enjoy increased liberty, justice and opportunity. That is my goal, anything I do will be measured by that intent.
I am in communication now with policy advisers from the left and the right perspective; to identify specific laws that I can change to achieve these goals and that will likely pass muster.
I would hope to do everything I can to free up the market and free up people so that they can enjoy increased liberty, justice and opportunity. That is my goal, anything I do will be measured by that intent.
DM: What will be your target long-term goals in office?
MD: I want to be the first Female Libertarian elected. After that, I am not sure. I am pretty focused with that goal. I have never really wanted to be a politician. I just want to BE the change. I suppose what I do next will depend upon what the people want. I am inclined to want to take a break from politics as I have been working extremely hard for over 7 years and miss my life and family, but I will go where I am called.
DM: Thanks for all the information we were able to cover today, Michelle. A lot of eyes are on your campaign. What finally thoughts / points would you like to leave for our readers?
Thank you,
MD: I want to be the first Female Libertarian elected. After that, I am not sure. I am pretty focused with that goal. I have never really wanted to be a politician. I just want to BE the change. I suppose what I do next will depend upon what the people want. I am inclined to want to take a break from politics as I have been working extremely hard for over 7 years and miss my life and family, but I will go where I am called.
DM: Thanks for all the information we were able to cover today, Michelle. A lot of eyes are on your campaign. What finally thoughts / points would you like to leave for our readers?
MD: I really appreciate the support and the energy of my
campaign volunteers. It is a challenge to prevail in a two party system
and I can not do it will out a passionate team behind me.
I thought long and hard how to run and decided I had to be
true to my heart and all those who are valiantly working to restore
power, justice, and liberty to the people of my state. They call
themselves Libertarian, and I am proud to carry the flag for them.
Together we can be the positive change Washington yearns for. BE the change and join my team!
Thank you,
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