Friday, July 29, 2016

America is like a battered spouse struggling with a decision to leave

"America is like a battered spouse struggling with a decision to leave. 

After decades of abuse she has been demoralized, isolated, emotionally shaken, made to be financially dependent and hopeless.

At times she reacts in violence at other times, silence and submission. 

Then one day she looks up and sees a small ray of hope, slipping through the door of a brighter future.

She struggles to take the first step, numb and weak. Consumed by fear of the unknown. She struggles with memories of what things once were, the "if onlys" and the hope that things could be different, if she just worked harder at it....

But there is the sliver of light beckoning her forward. . .escape and a new life..... if she just takes a chance.

America has a choice. She does not have to remain a victim of the two party tyranny and oppression.
We have a chance this election to step toward the light and away from the oppression and abuse by voting for people who will guide us through the door. People who have experienced what we have and boldly stepped forward replacing fear with the power of love.

Can we as a nation and individuals muster the courage and strength to take that first scary step?"

- Michelle Darnell

Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her help you! Donate your change today, for the change coming!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Why I am Running for Office

Why I am Running for Office

"I am running because of what I see and what I believe. I see that our country and state is in crisis and I believe we can do much better than this for ourselves and our children.

• I see homeowners being forcibly turned in to renters and renters spilling out on to the streets.
• I see a lack of justice in our courts.
• I see that our elected officials seem out of touch with the critical concerns of most of the folks I talk to on a daily basis.
• I see small businesses struggling to navigate a labyrinth of regulation and taxation.
• I see workers who are making 1/3 of what they were making before the recession with no hope of advancement.
• I see the elderly, families and the weakest among us being abused and brutalized by monopolistic forces.
• I see an education system where 1 out of every four of our children doesn’t graduate and more still graduate loaded down with debt and no hope for secure employment.

I believe that TOGETHER we can do much better than this.

• I believe it is time to end all forms of waste fraud and abuse in our state
• I believe it is time to get traffic flowing again because this s good for families, the economy AND our environment
• I believe it is time we put government back in its place and get government out of our businesses, bedrooms and wallets
• I believe is it time we revolutionize our education system so we can prepare our children for the responsibilities of tomorrow, without dumbing them down for the political expediency of today.
• I believe the bedrock of the 48th district and this state is small business and we need to do everything in our power to unleash the ingenuity, passion and opportunity that healthy small business offer our state
• I believe that every employee should have the opportunity to move up the ladder and not be stuck at a minimum wage, no matter what that wage is, their entire lives.
• I believe the people of my district need a representative that will hear their concerns and take that message to Olympia.
• I believe it is time for WE the people to embrace our diversity and respect our differences.
• I believe it is up to US as individuals and communities to solve our problems and that we must stop waiting on the government to do it for us.
• I believe it is time for us to BE the change we wish to see.
I am running for the Washington State House of Representatives to be witness to what I see and an example for what I believe. TOGETHER we MUST BE the change we wish to see.

Thank you and I appreciate your support and your vote in August and November."

- Michelle Darnell

Michelle is fighting for YOU in Washington State.

Pushing for REAL Education Reform in WA!

Michelle Darnell for 48th Legislative District.

This fight needs your help. Whatever you can provide is a step forward towards the goal. It's not just a donation, it's an INVESTMENT into everyone's future: 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

I am 100% Pro-Choice in Education.

"I am 100% pro choice in education. It baffles me why Americans would support choice in nearly every other area of life but don't mind being locked into an out dated-government- run education system.

I think if teachers were honest and not controlled by unions, they would admit that competition incentivizes innovation.

I hear that charters and vouchers might render us vulnerable to corporate interests but we don't seem to mind corporate inspired restaurants, stores and cell phones. Why should education be different? Frankly, there is already an education monopoly that funnels $$ to textbook companies and standardized testing publishing companies.

Why is education a sacred cow and only the government qualified to manage it?

Let's try something different. Charter schools, home schools and private schools are outperforming public schools and the greatest barrier to education is access. Access to quality education is an antidote for income inequality. As long as the best schools are only available to the wealthiest families the divide will widen.

Let's elect leaders who support innovation and are not slaves to the old system. This is better for kids AND teachers. Who wouldn't want to attend or teach at Google High school?! And if ya didn't like have options!"

- Michelle Darnell

Michelle is fighting for YOU in Washington State.

Pushing for REAL Education Reform in WA!

Michelle Darnell for 48th Legislative District.

This fight needs your help. Whatever you can provide is a step forward towards the goal. It's not just a donation, it's an INVESTMENT into everyone's future: 

Read Michelle's other recent article about Education:
"We have an Allocation of Resources in Education Problem"

Monday, July 18, 2016

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights rates Michelle Darnell "Outstanding"

You can review the rating at the link above.  Simply select from the drop down box Michelle's name to view.

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights is self described as the following from their "About" page.

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights was organized in 2003 as a non-partisan political action committee where individual citizens and existing organizations can work together protecting property rights. We support equitable and scientifically sound land use regulations that do not force private landowners to pay disproportionately for public benefits enjoyed by all. We protect everyone's property rights by:

  • Presenting a single coordinated voice dedicated to preserving and protecting individual property rights.
  • ˙
  • Electing legislators pledged to protect, not destroy, property rights and electing judges pledged to uphold our constitutionally guaranteed right to own and control property.
  • ˙
  • Promoting legislation to preserve and protect property rights while opposing excessively burdensome legislation and regulation.
  • ˙
  • Reducing the regulatory cost of property ownership.

Help Michelle fight for you and others, by donating your change for the change! Every cent is an investment into our future! -


Wednesday, July 13, 2016



   "Recent events are no surprise to me at all.  The situation has developed over time.  A society that no longer cares for its poor and elderly, has little respect for life and does not prioritize its young, is on the decline.  The brutality in our streets are symptoms of much deeper issues and no amount of restriction on weapons or crackdown of the law is going to heal our nation.  We have homeless spilling  out on to our streets, weekly mass shootings, police brutality and daily protests.  Drones, mass incarceration, failing schools, a rising tide of mental health and drug and alcohol abuse are all indications that America is very sick.
   Yesterday, I was driving through a parking lot and a young woman, likely in her 20’s, was driving the wrong direction.  She yelled profanities at ME out the window.  I had a young man in my car.  He yelled profanities back.  Latter when thinking about it, I felt this exchange illustrated well what is going on in our society and this experience coupled with the events this week, inspired this piece."
- Michelle Darnell 

"It is time we had some REAL leadership in this country. Instead of fanning the flames of fear, violence and hate, we need leaders who will work to de-escalate the tension and end this insanity!! Leaders at every level of government. Leaders in my own state. Leaders in my community. Leaders in our homes. Leaders with vision, discernment and the ability to influence and help us become better than we might be with out them. 
Violence begets violence and I do not hear ANYONE denouncing the violence but rather "leaders" on both sides spew rhetoric and escalate the tensions. They chant “Black lives matter” and “Gun control”, each seeking to generate the sort of passion within their base to increase their power and influence. This will assuredly result in more loss of life. I see no leaders responding to the cries of the people as they demand justice. This will result in an escalation of the tensions. We are sitting in a powder keg and it is the fault of those who call themselves politicians and leaders. 
We need leaders who will tell the truth and that truth is that we are where we are at in this country as a consequence of a lack of leadership. The recent shootings are symptoms of deeply rooted systemic issues. Police brutality IS an issue in this country. But this is a consequence of layers and layers of regulation and the drug war. Police departments have been equipped with weapons of war not the tools to deescalate tension. The real issue is not necessarily rooted in racism, though African Americans have felt the full effect of the war on drugs. The proper response is not to shoot police. Particularly police innocent of brutality themselves. The proper response is a demand to end the brutality, the drug war and the over regulation that causes the increased interaction between police and the public. 
Police themselves must also self regulate. Don’t let fellow police abuse the public. Don't choose to enforce unnecessary regulation. Leaders of the black lives matter movement or any anti brutality movement must denounce responding to violence with violence. 
Politicians running for office should stop tossing political “red meat” out to the masses for political expediency and assume the responsibility that they have in deescalating the tensions. They must stop playing on the public’s fears and anger to propel themselves in to office. They should aim to identified the cause of the tensions and facilitation resolution. They should inspire us to be better than we would be with out them.
This escalation of violence will NOT end well. It is time for some leaders who will denounce the violence, unite the people and inspire us toward real resolutions. If this does not happen, the crisis has only just begun. Our children deserve much better than this. 
- Michelle Darnell 

Help her fight for you by donating your change for the change! Every cent is an investment into our future! -


Saturday, July 9, 2016

"LOVE or DEATH: Its our choice."

"LOVE or DEATH: Its our choice."

"I am running for office. I am not running because I had a dream of a life in politics. I am not running because I want fame or a salary. I am not running because I want to sell books or create a name for myself. I am not running because I was appointed and now must maintain run to maintain my seat. I am running because 8 years ago I woke up to the injustice in my country. The sort of injustice that when taken to its extreme, results in the brutal death of the innocent, in front of a 4 year old child.

The events of this week come as no surprise at all to me. I have watched this develop over time. America is on a downward spiral. Anyone who cares to review my Facebook feeds and the thousands of postings I have offered, would quickly learn how acutely aware I am of what is going on.

I believe once you become aware you have two choices; to ignore or to engage. I have chosen the later. I decided that I could not tolerate a society that would kill the innocent, ignore the weak and empower the greedy and abusive. I could not just “keep shopping” when the elderly were being forced from their homes, children cast out on to the streets and the weak trampled upon. I can not accept a society that rewards theft, malice and lies and devalues integrity, compassion and humility. I can not participate in religion that is so heavenly minded that it is no earthly good or embrace any political party that is deaf to the cries of the people.

Therefore, like in 2014, I find myself running for office again. Things have only gotten worse. The tragedies crash over us like waves in a storm, one after the other. Many of us have grown petrified and helpless. Others are ignorant until a wave crashes upon them. Others are enraged and think the war will be won ranting on Facebook, alone. It will not. Still others think we have decades to recover. Our condition is dire and urgent.

As I said 8 years ago, when I became aware, we need AWARENESS, EDUCATION, UNITY AND ACTION. Once we become aware that we have a problem, we must seek information. This can be over whelming because the number of issues is coming at us hard and fast. It is like wack-a-mole. I suggest picking one or two that speak to your heart and focusing on them.
Then seek out others who are sympathetic to that issue, no matter their race, religion, political party or creed. Those do not matter. Do not argue over these sorts of things. It is a waste and only divides us as a nation, during a time of emergency. When the house is in flames you do not argue about the color of the flowers in the front bed. You find a place on the hose.

Finally, real change requires action. We have been apathetic, complacent and lazy for decades. That is why we are in this state now. Myself included. WE must accept responsibility for the deaths of the innocent men killed at the hands of police and the innocent police brutally assassinated this week. The blood is on our hands. We must accept responsibility for the homeless living in our streets and mentally ill wondering our alleys. We allowed this to happen. As we look into the hopeless eyes of our young, we must take responsibility for their future.

We now have a choice. Will we allow the spiral to continue or will we act, TODAY? Love is a verb. Love does not sit idly by while the innocent are destroyed. Love does not turn a blind eye to oppression. Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things and love saves the day. Love is the power that both binds us and sets us free.

Love for my children, my country and love for my people, empowers me to overcome nearly every obstacle, criticism or doubt. This love comforts me during times like these and strengthens my resolve to BE the change. It is a well I draw from daily. It can be that way for you too., if you choose it.

Please consider your response to recent events, today. Will you act? Will you choose love?"

- Michelle Darnell 

Help her fight for you by donating your change for the change! Every cent is an investment into our future! -


Friday, July 8, 2016

Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland; Here is your 48th District candidate that will fight for and represent YOU!

Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland; Here is your 48th District candidate that will fight for and represent YOU! Meet Michelle Darnell, fighting FOR Traffic Reform and Education. She's fighting AGAINST Foreclosure and Cronyism.

You need someone to have your back in Olympia; vote Michelle Darnell!

Help her fight for you by donating your change for the change! Every cent is an investment into our future! -


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A Pro-Life Economy: Building Pro-Life & Pro-Choice Bridges

A Pro- Life Economy:
Building Pro-Life & Pro-Choice Bridges

Michelle Darnell (left) with
2012 & 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate, Gary Johnson (right)
I have been working very hard for several years to "build bridges." I believe there has been a decade long effort to divide and conquer the American people. It has been EXTREMELY effective. We are now so divided as a country, we can scarcely agree on anything at all. So we are weak. The effect has been a dismantling of our constitution, theft of our wealth and property, and a disintegration of our society.

Yesterday I was reminded of why we are in this current condition as a former supporter walked by me on the parade route. She told me that she could not support me because I was running as a Libertarian and was therefore pro choice and had no principles. She was totally incorrect on many levels. But the bigger point is that she was forming her opinion on a single issue that has been purposefully used to divide this country, has all but destroyed the republican party, and has likely not saved a single life.

I would argue that the way the pro-life effort has been executed has failed to save any babies, has all but destroyed the Republican party and has resulted in a very anti life culture.
In fact, this is in large part the reason I left the Republican party. The loudest voices in the party were so focused on divisive social issues that they have lost on all fronts. They are tone deaf and therefore they lose elections. Earnest candidates with an R by their name suffer "guilt by association."

What if I were to say I wanted to fight for a restoration of our country and a return to a pro-life economy and society? A society where families were not taxed so heavily and businesses and families thrived economically. A society where families could afford to have children and take care of them. A society where one parent could afford to stay home and raise the children so they grew up loved, with good values and be less apt to become pregnant ahead of time. A society that taught personal responsibility. A society of people who were quick to care for one another and slow to judge. Might this have a positive effect on abortion rates? How many babies has the war on abortion really saved? But, many elections have been lost over it.

I believe there is room for a nuanced position and a different approach. I refuse to be told I am pro-abortion, simply because I think the pro-life movement has failed miserably and I want to take a different approach. I believe life is sacred and I would want to defend every innocent life I possibly can. I believe I can do this best by building bridges towards a pro-life society, not by supporting black market abortion. Further, with so many other pressing issues, why are candidates continually forced to respond to such a controversial issue that certainly will never be agreed upon?

As a State representative, most likely I am not going to be in a position to overturn the Law of the Land when it comes to Abortion. Instead my focus will be on the effort to create a pro-life economy that supports families. Next question please. . .

Michelle Darnell

Michelle Darnell
Libertarian Candidate
Washington State Legislature
District 48

Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her, help you! Donate your change today, for the change coming!  It’s an investment into all of our futures!

Monday, July 4, 2016

"Declare your Independence! Pledge to exercise your right to vote!"


"As we celebrate the 4th of July let us consider why the colonist felt they needed to separate from their mother land and risk waging war and shedding blood. 


To answer that question I went to the cherished document itself and reviewed some of the original grievances that conceived this great separation. It was remarkable how similar some of the grievances were to that which we are experiencing today! In response to the tyranny and oppression, the colonists were experiencing, they offered these words: 


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

It is fortunate for us, that in their wisdom, our founding fathers conceived an idea by which We the People could again reclaim our power but without declaring a bloody independence. This idea was spelled out in our constitution, a sacred document that protects us from tyranny and secures our individual freedoms for ever more. 


However, our constitution was predicated on the notion that We the People would be active participants in our destiny. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other. Apathy and complacency are enemies of justice and freedom. 


Americans have been apathetic for far too long and now we find ourselves once again suffering under the weight of tyrannical pressures. 


The good news is that we can reclaim our power and freedom! We can once again declare independence and demand freedom and this time we need not take up arms. We need to engage in the system. We need to vote new leadership in. Leadership that will represent out interest. We need to say no to status quo! 


I ran for office in 2014. That year only 34% of registered voters in my district actually voted. That is abysmal. I compare that to 86% in South Africa, as I was told. 


If we are exhausted from the weight of taxation, regulation, injustice, bloated government and government intrusion in our lives, than it is time for us to accept responsibility and do our part to change this, at every level of government. We must not continue to mock the blood of patriots by placing a hand over our heart and mouthing words that have become empty and hollow. We must not continue to send our troops to foreign lands to fight for freedoms and protections we will not defend here at home. We must once again have the courage and consideration for future generations and boldly declare independence once again, this time through the most powerful weapon known to man: our vote. 


We are the patriots of a new age and it is incumbent upon us to restore the power and sanctity of our original “Declaration of Independence”, for this is not just the “4th of July” it is Independence day, and that should mean something. 




- Michelle Darnell

Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her help you! Donate your change today, for the change coming!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

"We have an Allocation of Resources in Education Problem"

We have an Allocation of Resources in Education Problem

"How Unfunded Mandates Like Common Core Harm our Kids" excerpt by David Spring
"For the past 20 years, our legislature has not only refused to fund our schools, but passed more than 100 unfunded mandates - placing billions of dollars of additional rules on our schools. In this article, we will look at the largest of these unfunded mandates, Common Core. This unfunded mandate has cost local school districts more than 10% of their entire budget, costing Washington school districts more than one billion dollars to implement. The solution to this problem is for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to authorize school districts to waive any mandates passed by our legislature that the legislature refuses to pay for. If you agree we must end unfunded mandates, please share this important article with other parents and teachers."

"I agree regarding the common core issue. But I am not sure we have a funding problem as much as we have an allocation of resources problem. I am told we spend 14k per student per year and one out of four doesn't graduate. I spoke with someone here in Kirkland who works in the Redmond middle school where the school has partnered with the local parks board to create a "recreational" program that teaches after school science and technology classes/clubs. The program is rocking, with EXISTING FUNDS by getting creative. He said the fact that there is a neighboring private school has inspired a creative program to compete and retain students. These are the sort of ideas, I would hope to encourage.

I think it is time to concentrate on reform as much or more than funding. Yes, our constitution mandates ample provision. But I do not think that the WA Supreme court interpreted the intent properly, with all due respect. Provision does not necessarily mean simple tossing more money into a broken system. If a family has a fixed income, they must figure out how to "amply provide" for their children within those parameters. They can not just arbitrarily increase household income.

If property owners felt they were getting satisfactory return on their investment perhaps they would be more inclined, but that is not the case. That said it is also wrong that we gave Boeing such a gift ($8.7B) and now place the burden on other taxpayers for the ed shortfall. So I would encourage discussing that along with a discussion of increased choice in education as a response to McCleary. Small businesses and property owners are themselves struggling. The state should not have a blank check here. It is not "funny money". They must remember whose money they are spending.

My opponent also supports ST-3 which would be the largest property tax increase in history. Combining this with increased taxes to fund ED and you have significant pressure on middle class families and affordable housing. Property tax increases WILL increase rents. This is why I am not so quick to encourage Mo money! Mo Money! Mo Money!

The response requires more sophistication than just "invest" and fund. As a libertarian, I see both sides and will encourage real debate and not just party line discussion. This is a skill I developed negotiating with banks and homeowners in mediation (foreclosure). A skill that I think is lacking in Olympia."

- Michelle Darnell

Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her help you! Donate your change today, for the change coming!

"Why do I fight like I do against seemingly insurmountable odds?"

"Why do I fight like I do against seemingly insurmountable odds?

Let me tell you.  Because of stories like the 71 year old man who was told in 2011 that he must be 3 month behind on his mortgage to get a HAMP modification.  He continue paying for two more years despite this "advice" from his "bank". Finally after the same bank froze his credit lines, destroying his business, he found himself in foreclosure. He then went through multiple attempts at HAMP with over 9 different points of contact. His documents were lost, he was mis-informed and each time they denied his request because of inadequate documentation. The IRS came after him too. Likely so they could take his money and convert it to bombs to kill kids in Pakistan. 

He is still trying to work with the "bank" despite the fact there are 3 versions of his Deed of Trust. Unfortunately he now lacks the funds to litigate. The "bank" knows this. They want to reject his most recent attempt again for lack of documents but each time he submits, they offer another request. I call it moving the goalposts. They want his house.  

This has been debilitating for him and his elderly wife. They are facing homelessness. They both suffer from PTSD now after years of stress and they have no options. 

THIS IS NOT AN ISOLATED CASE.   THIS IS THE NORM!  We bailed out deadbeat banks but allowed them to turn around and kick people out of their homes, after they over leveraged our entire economy and now our communities are faced with homelessness, mental health issues and increasing crime. People who worked their entire lives to build their retirement, had it stolen in less than the blink of an eye. Some people give up entirely and commit suicide. I have had clients or known of homeowners who developed heart problems and other issues because of the abuse of the banks (not really banks any more actually-third party debt collectors that never lent a dime).

So while, I do address other concerns, and there are too many to count, this is the concern that troubles me most. Do we really live in a country where we would allow this to happen? Will our state representatives refuse to hear the cries of the people, in favor of a banking elite who control the game? There ARE things that they could do if they had the will. I made recommendations last session but the lobbyist for the Washington Banking Association persuaded yet another delay. I first testified in 2011. AND our Attorney General has don't next to nothing to protect homeowners. 

I am not talking free house here. I am talking equity and fair play.  I am talking equal protection and due process. I am talking not letting pursuit of the dollar to blind us to compassion for people.
I will continue fighting in one capacity or another until there is a real response. I will do it for people like this gentleman because he has no one else to fight for him. I will do it for my children because they deserve so much better than this. 

OHHHHHH so when you see me rant about people not engaging consider this 71 one year old man and the many other people I see around me.  This is not sport to me. And it certainly is not spectator sport. I get upset when I see people treat it like one because there is so much at stake. This man does not have a decade to wait for us to get our act together.  I am acutely aware. So likely, I will continue to rant when it seems that one is called for!

On last comment:  

Why do I support Gary Johnson and Bill Weld? Because when I spoke with them, both of them were warriors for good.  I could see it in their eyes. We are kindred spirits. Rough around the edges, don't always say the right thing, don't always know all of the answers , and we anger some folks sometimes but we are vigilant in our defense of innocence, justice and liberty for all and not just those who will cut us a fat check! 


- Michelle Darnell 

Support Michelle Darnell in Washington by helping her help you!  Donate your change today, for the change coming!