"LOVE or DEATH: Its our choice."
"I am running for office. I am not running because I had a dream of a life in politics. I am not running because I want fame or a salary. I am not running because I want to sell books or create a name for myself. I am not running because I was appointed and now must maintain run to maintain my seat. I am running because 8 years ago I woke up to the injustice in my country. The sort of injustice that when taken to its extreme, results in the brutal death of the innocent, in front of a 4 year old child.
The events of this week come as no surprise at all to me. I have watched this develop over time. America is on a downward spiral. Anyone who cares to review my Facebook feeds and the thousands of postings I have offered, would quickly learn how acutely aware I am of what is going on.
I believe once you become aware you have two choices; to ignore or to engage. I have chosen the later. I decided that I could not tolerate a society that would kill the innocent, ignore the weak and empower the greedy and abusive. I could not just “keep shopping” when the elderly were being forced from their homes, children cast out on to the streets and the weak trampled upon. I can not accept a society that rewards theft, malice and lies and devalues integrity, compassion and humility. I can not participate in religion that is so heavenly minded that it is no earthly good or embrace any political party that is deaf to the cries of the people.
Therefore, like in 2014, I find myself running for office again. Things have only gotten worse. The tragedies crash over us like waves in a storm, one after the other. Many of us have grown petrified and helpless. Others are ignorant until a wave crashes upon them. Others are enraged and think the war will be won ranting on Facebook, alone. It will not. Still others think we have decades to recover. Our condition is dire and urgent.
As I said 8 years ago, when I became aware, we need AWARENESS, EDUCATION, UNITY AND ACTION. Once we become aware that we have a problem, we must seek information. This can be over whelming because the number of issues is coming at us hard and fast. It is like wack-a-mole. I suggest picking one or two that speak to your heart and focusing on them.
Then seek out others who are sympathetic to that issue, no matter their race, religion, political party or creed. Those do not matter. Do not argue over these sorts of things. It is a waste and only divides us as a nation, during a time of emergency. When the house is in flames you do not argue about the color of the flowers in the front bed. You find a place on the hose.
Finally, real change requires action. We have been apathetic, complacent and lazy for decades. That is why we are in this state now. Myself included. WE must accept responsibility for the deaths of the innocent men killed at the hands of police and the innocent police brutally assassinated this week. The blood is on our hands. We must accept responsibility for the homeless living in our streets and mentally ill wondering our alleys. We allowed this to happen. As we look into the hopeless eyes of our young, we must take responsibility for their future.
We now have a choice. Will we allow the spiral to continue or will we act, TODAY? Love is a verb. Love does not sit idly by while the innocent are destroyed. Love does not turn a blind eye to oppression. Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things and love saves the day. Love is the power that both binds us and sets us free.
Love for my children, my country and love for my people, empowers me to overcome nearly every obstacle, criticism or doubt. This love comforts me during times like these and strengthens my resolve to BE the change. It is a well I draw from daily. It can be that way for you too., if you choose it.
Please consider your response to recent events, today. Will you act? Will you choose love?"
- Michelle Darnell