Saturday, July 2, 2016

"We have an Allocation of Resources in Education Problem"

We have an Allocation of Resources in Education Problem

"How Unfunded Mandates Like Common Core Harm our Kids" excerpt by David Spring
"For the past 20 years, our legislature has not only refused to fund our schools, but passed more than 100 unfunded mandates - placing billions of dollars of additional rules on our schools. In this article, we will look at the largest of these unfunded mandates, Common Core. This unfunded mandate has cost local school districts more than 10% of their entire budget, costing Washington school districts more than one billion dollars to implement. The solution to this problem is for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to authorize school districts to waive any mandates passed by our legislature that the legislature refuses to pay for. If you agree we must end unfunded mandates, please share this important article with other parents and teachers."

"I agree regarding the common core issue. But I am not sure we have a funding problem as much as we have an allocation of resources problem. I am told we spend 14k per student per year and one out of four doesn't graduate. I spoke with someone here in Kirkland who works in the Redmond middle school where the school has partnered with the local parks board to create a "recreational" program that teaches after school science and technology classes/clubs. The program is rocking, with EXISTING FUNDS by getting creative. He said the fact that there is a neighboring private school has inspired a creative program to compete and retain students. These are the sort of ideas, I would hope to encourage.

I think it is time to concentrate on reform as much or more than funding. Yes, our constitution mandates ample provision. But I do not think that the WA Supreme court interpreted the intent properly, with all due respect. Provision does not necessarily mean simple tossing more money into a broken system. If a family has a fixed income, they must figure out how to "amply provide" for their children within those parameters. They can not just arbitrarily increase household income.

If property owners felt they were getting satisfactory return on their investment perhaps they would be more inclined, but that is not the case. That said it is also wrong that we gave Boeing such a gift ($8.7B) and now place the burden on other taxpayers for the ed shortfall. So I would encourage discussing that along with a discussion of increased choice in education as a response to McCleary. Small businesses and property owners are themselves struggling. The state should not have a blank check here. It is not "funny money". They must remember whose money they are spending.

My opponent also supports ST-3 which would be the largest property tax increase in history. Combining this with increased taxes to fund ED and you have significant pressure on middle class families and affordable housing. Property tax increases WILL increase rents. This is why I am not so quick to encourage Mo money! Mo Money! Mo Money!

The response requires more sophistication than just "invest" and fund. As a libertarian, I see both sides and will encourage real debate and not just party line discussion. This is a skill I developed negotiating with banks and homeowners in mediation (foreclosure). A skill that I think is lacking in Olympia."

- Michelle Darnell

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