Friday, July 29, 2016

America is like a battered spouse struggling with a decision to leave

"America is like a battered spouse struggling with a decision to leave. 

After decades of abuse she has been demoralized, isolated, emotionally shaken, made to be financially dependent and hopeless.

At times she reacts in violence at other times, silence and submission. 

Then one day she looks up and sees a small ray of hope, slipping through the door of a brighter future.

She struggles to take the first step, numb and weak. Consumed by fear of the unknown. She struggles with memories of what things once were, the "if onlys" and the hope that things could be different, if she just worked harder at it....

But there is the sliver of light beckoning her forward. . .escape and a new life..... if she just takes a chance.

America has a choice. She does not have to remain a victim of the two party tyranny and oppression.
We have a chance this election to step toward the light and away from the oppression and abuse by voting for people who will guide us through the door. People who have experienced what we have and boldly stepped forward replacing fear with the power of love.

Can we as a nation and individuals muster the courage and strength to take that first scary step?"

- Michelle Darnell

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