A Pro- Life Economy:
Building Pro-Life & Pro-Choice Bridges
Michelle Darnell (left) with 2012 & 2016 Libertarian Presidential Candidate, Gary Johnson (right) |
I have been working very hard for several years to "build bridges." I believe there has been a decade long effort to divide and conquer the American people. It has been EXTREMELY effective. We are now so divided as a country, we can scarcely agree on anything at all. So we are weak. The effect has been a dismantling of our constitution, theft of our wealth and property, and a disintegration of our society.
Yesterday I was reminded of why we are in this current condition as a former supporter walked by me on the parade route. She told me that she could not support me because I was running as a Libertarian and was therefore pro choice and had no principles. She was totally incorrect on many levels. But the bigger point is that she was forming her opinion on a single issue that has been purposefully used to divide this country, has all but destroyed the republican party, and has likely not saved a single life.
I would argue that the way the pro-life effort has been executed has failed to save any babies, has all but destroyed the Republican party and has resulted in a very anti life culture.
In fact, this is in large part the reason I left the Republican party. The loudest voices in the party were so focused on divisive social issues that they have lost on all fronts. They are tone deaf and therefore they lose elections. Earnest candidates with an R by their name suffer "guilt by association."
What if I were to say I wanted to fight for a restoration of our country and a return to a pro-life economy and society? A society where families were not taxed so heavily and businesses and families thrived economically. A society where families could afford to have children and take care of them. A society where one parent could afford to stay home and raise the children so they grew up loved, with good values and be less apt to become pregnant ahead of time. A society that taught personal responsibility. A society of people who were quick to care for one another and slow to judge. Might this have a positive effect on abortion rates? How many babies has the war on abortion really saved? But, many elections have been lost over it.
I believe there is room for a nuanced position and a different approach. I refuse to be told I am pro-abortion, simply because I think the pro-life movement has failed miserably and I want to take a different approach. I believe life is sacred and I would want to defend every innocent life I possibly can. I believe I can do this best by building bridges towards a pro-life society, not by supporting black market abortion. Further, with so many other pressing issues, why are candidates continually forced to respond to such a controversial issue that certainly will never be agreed upon?
As a State representative, most likely I am not going to be in a position to overturn the Law of the Land when it comes to Abortion. Instead my focus will be on the effort to create a pro-life economy that supports families. Next question please. . .
Michelle Darnell
Michelle Darnell
Libertarian Candidate
Washington State Legislature
District 48
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