"Recent events are no surprise to me at all. The situation has developed over time. A society that no longer cares for its poor and elderly, has little respect for life and does not prioritize its young, is on the decline. The brutality in our streets are symptoms of much deeper issues and no amount of restriction on weapons or crackdown of the law is going to heal our nation. We have homeless spilling out on to our streets, weekly mass shootings, police brutality and daily protests. Drones, mass incarceration, failing schools, a rising tide of mental health and drug and alcohol abuse are all indications that America is very sick.
Yesterday, I was driving through a parking lot and a young woman, likely in her 20’s, was driving the wrong direction. She yelled profanities at ME out the window. I had a young man in my car. He yelled profanities back. Latter when thinking about it, I felt this exchange illustrated well what is going on in our society and this experience coupled with the events this week, inspired this piece." - Michelle Darnell
"It is time we had some REAL leadership in this country. Instead of fanning the flames of fear, violence and hate, we need leaders who will work to de-escalate the tension and end this insanity!! Leaders at every level of government. Leaders in my own state. Leaders in my community. Leaders in our homes. Leaders with vision, discernment and the ability to influence and help us become better than we might be with out them.
Violence begets violence and I do not hear ANYONE denouncing the violence but rather "leaders" on both sides spew rhetoric and escalate the tensions. They chant “Black lives matter” and “Gun control”, each seeking to generate the sort of passion within their base to increase their power and influence. This will assuredly result in more loss of life. I see no leaders responding to the cries of the people as they demand justice. This will result in an escalation of the tensions. We are sitting in a powder keg and it is the fault of those who call themselves politicians and leaders.
We need leaders who will tell the truth and that truth is that we are where we are at in this country as a consequence of a lack of leadership. The recent shootings are symptoms of deeply rooted systemic issues. Police brutality IS an issue in this country. But this is a consequence of layers and layers of regulation and the drug war. Police departments have been equipped with weapons of war not the tools to deescalate tension. The real issue is not necessarily rooted in racism, though African Americans have felt the full effect of the war on drugs. The proper response is not to shoot police. Particularly police innocent of brutality themselves. The proper response is a demand to end the brutality, the drug war and the over regulation that causes the increased interaction between police and the public.
Police themselves must also self regulate. Don’t let fellow police abuse the public. Don't choose to enforce unnecessary regulation. Leaders of the black lives matter movement or any anti brutality movement must denounce responding to violence with violence.
Politicians running for office should stop tossing political “red meat” out to the masses for political expediency and assume the responsibility that they have in deescalating the tensions. They must stop playing on the public’s fears and anger to propel themselves in to office. They should aim to identified the cause of the tensions and facilitation resolution. They should inspire us to be better than we would be with out them.
This escalation of violence will NOT end well. It is time for some leaders who will denounce the violence, unite the people and inspire us toward real resolutions. If this does not happen, the crisis has only just begun. Our children deserve much better than this.
- Michelle Darnell
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